Hoxo Que


TAKA君からの紹介、日本人アーティストの「Hoxo Que」。

e : Hoxo Que http://www.quehouxo.com/

"Houxo Que aka Questa is an artist based in Tokyo.
He started his career as a painter in 1999 with a background in graffiti and has been working on canvases, live-paintings and murals since. His main series of works frequently referencing flowers, titled “Day and Night”, are luminous installations using florescent paints and black lights.

Houxo Que is also the organizer of “HUOVA”, a live paint showcase, and has had fourteen artists participate in the organization.

what is HUOVA :
HUOVA is a showcase highlighting on live painting which started in 2006.
An image is generated on blank walls along to synchronizing sounds, while facing the projected 20 minute time-limit. With tensity in the air, the mural instantly changes its
look, heating up the atmosphere. The bewildering development symbolizes the city of Tokyo, creating an expression only obtainable in that moment.

展示会やライブペイント、壁画制作、ブランドとのコラボレーションなど様々な形で作品を発表。更にライブペイント主体のショウケース”HUOVA”のプロデュースやギャラリーREANのキュレーションなど、その活動は多彩。ブラックライトを使ったインスタレーション作品「day and night」はBRUTUSや+81、rtrなどのメディアで紹介され反響を呼んでいる。"


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